I’m Vicar Karen or Rev K as my daughter calls me.


 I am daily reminded what a privilege it is to serve as Vicar of St. Mary’s, Ellenbrook and St. Andrew’s, Boothstown, two wonderful churches who work so closely together.  

Church for me has always been like extended family. That’s what shapes my vision really. An ethos of welcome and inclusion based on good relationships.  Getting to know one another matters. 


 So, a Bit About Me…

My Job

I was a secondary school teacher and was ordained priest in 1995 in non-stipendiary capacity. I became full-time Vicar in 2013, after retiring from teaching. I went from a job I loved to a job I love. It is truly humbling to be invited into people’s lives, at their most difficult or at their most joyful times. It is such a privilege to travel this journey of faith with those in my care.

My vision for our Church…It is my belief that the church should be at the heart of its community, its purpose, with the help of God, to form and nurture people of love, care and compassion who will serve by their gifts. In other words, to be a blessing to its communities.

Prayer is central to everything we do. It helps us to appreciate the beauty of God’s world, raises awareness of needs, promotes love and respect and, above all, reminds us of God’s unconditional love for each one of us. 

Good relationships, within and without, are an absolute priority.


26 Questions with the Vicar

1.     2 things (apart from family, friends and church) that are really important for me:  Forgiveness.  And education for all.  

2.    If I had to eat the same meal every day for a week, it would be …. Mr. Owen’s lasagne.  And his raspberry cream sponge. For breakfast, if that doesn’t count as a meal.   

3.    Favourite hymn:  It changes on a weekly basis. 

4.    Favourite TV: Queer Eye – it’s far reaching. (I binge watch a series on Netflix, so I run out of telly.) 

5.    I’m afraid of….heights. 

6.    The last time I cried…… the first Communion Service in church after lockdown. Wobbly lip. 

7.     What brings me hope: Humanity. I witness and experience such love, compassion and generosity.

8.     Something that makes me laugh out loud: I’m too embarrassed to say. 

9.    One thing I could teach another person to do is … a shuffle ball change.  

10.  Something that makes me feel calm ... meditative prayer.

11.     I recently ….  discovered colouring-in Bibles. 

12.  One thing I am really good at (no modesty!) is … Someone once told me I was good at smiling. And I once came 2nd in the ‘Happiest Smile of the Week Competition’. (2nd. There’s a sort of irony in that. 😊)  

13.  One thing I don’t like about being my age is … not being able to run. But I couldn’t do that when I was younger, either. 

14.  I am passionate about:  Peace One Day, Church being accessible, random, and not so random, acts of kindness and how we should look after God’s world.  

15.  Tea or coffee…?  Decaf cappuccino. Fair trade. No sugar.  Thank you. 

16.  A favourite Bible story: I’m loving  the Raising of Jairus’s daughter. (Mark 5: 23) … the way the father reaches out to Jesus in his time of need. 

17.  I absolutely love .... my job.  It never feels like work.  And shoes. 

18.   The most recent act of kindness someone did for me was …. Iron my surplice. 

19.  Red or white.....? Rioja. But I’ll never turn down fizzy white. 

20. The most recent act of kindness I did for someone was ...sent them flowers. 

21.  Church is ……..   #MoreThanSunday

22.  One thing I think every young person should have is … caring adults.

23.  One thing I think every older person should have is … caring adults.

24.  One thing I have learned about myself … one answer is never enough.

25.  A favourite Bible verse: John 15:5. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.

26.  3 good things about my church …   It’s impossible to limit it to just 3! Come and experience it for yourself and you’ll see what I mean.