Churches Together in Boothstown

Churches Together in Boothstown (CTiB) is a partnership of the following churches:
Boothstown Methodist Church
Holy Family Church Boothstown
St Andrew's Church Boothstown
St Mary's Church Ellenbrook
St John's Church Mosley Common

CTiB exists to witness to the Gospel in Boothstown, Ellenbrook and Mosley Common and to work for co-operation and unity among Christians and the Christian Churches in those areas.

Those paragraphs sound very formal as they are taken from our constitution. So how do we do those things?

We have a committee made up of the clergy of the churches and up to two lay members of each church. The committee meets 3 times a year. A recent development has been to hold a social AGM to which everyone is invited and at which we share good news from each of the churches and, in good church tradition, we also share food.

In terms of working together, we support the annual Christmas Carol Service at the Standfield Centre at which the clergy take leading roles. We hold services during the national Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which happens in January each year. Various social events have been held jointly over the years including meals out, trips, walks and a picnic. We also try to support the fund raising events held in the different churches.

Over the years we have tried to find a community project which we could work at together and although we have not accomplished this as yet, it is something we will be turning our attention to, post Covid, along with the resumption of our previously regular activities.

It would be lovely to have some new (and dare I say it, younger) members on our committee and we would love your support at our events. In the meantime, please remember us in your prayers as we strive to work together ecumenically. 

Helen Wiles
Chairperson of CTiB