We belong to the Diocese of Manchester.

  • 2.1 million people

  • 415 square miles

  • 328 churches

  • 33,300 adults on our church electoral rolls

  • 188 church schools

  • 57,200 pupils

Bishop of Manchester David Walker

Bishop of Manchester
David Walker

Bishop of Middleton Mark Davies

Bishop of Middleton
Mark Davies

Bishop of Bolton Mark Ashcroft

Bishop of Bolton
Mark Ashcroft

Archdeacon Jean Burgess

Jean Burgess


The Diocese of Manchester is the Church of England in Bolton, Bury, Leigh, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Rossendale, Salford, Stockport, Tameside and Trafford. It is a place of excitement and vibrancy: a place of extraordinary opportunity for the Church to deliver on its commitment to the establishment of a worshipping, growing and transforming Christian presence at the heart of every community.

Faith, hope and love. The values at the heart of our Church have never been more relevant or contemporary in today’s society. As people become busier, communities become more diverse and life becomes more demanding, it’s more important than ever to reach out and embody our vision.

 There are 328 parishes in the Diocese of Manchester and they are led by Rt. Rev’d. David Walker, Bishop of Manchester. He has 2 area Bishops supporting him – Rt. Rev’d. Mark Ashcroft, Bishop of Bolton and Rt. Rev’d. Mark Davies, Bishop of Middleton.   

Manchester Diocese is sub-divided into Archdeaconries – Manchester, Salford, Bolton and Rochdale, with each area overseen by an Archdeacon. We are in Salford and led by Jean Burgess. For more information, have a look at the Diocese of Manchester website.

Each Archdeaconry is sub-divided into Deaneries and the Deaneries have groups of churches which meet together for support and to decide on more local business in the form of the Deanery Synod.  Rev’d. Jane Warhurst is our Area Dean. 


The Worsley Team Ministry.  

THE PCC  -  Parochial Church Council = representatives from all 3 churches (Saints Mark, Mary and Andrew) meet to discuss the business, news and events from the district churches and discuss parish-wide initiatives.  We are in a Mission Partnership with Holy Rood Church in Swinton. They are a separate, independent parish but linked with us for support.  

The PCC meets 4 x per annum.                                                                                                                                                     

District Church Council =  elected representatives from St. Mary’s and St. Andrew’s.  The 2 churches work very closely together. 

 The DCC  deals with the day to day issues of buildings, money, mission, outreach and any legal matters linked with the Diocese. 

DCC meets  x 5  per annum with sub-committees: Fabric, Finance, Worship, Pastoral, Children and Young People and Social meeting  x 5 per annum, in the alternating months to DCC. 

The Parish Share. 

Our churches have to be self-financing, which means we are so appreciative of the generosity of those who choose to support the church, either by the collection plate, donations via our DONATE button or regular giving via Standing Order. It means we are able to continue to open our doors. 

The Parish Share is the sum of money paid by each parish every year to the Diocese to support local ministry. Every parish contributes to the ‘Common Fund’ and every parish receives from the Fund. It pays the parish priest's monthly stipend and housing costs; training courses in discipleship and ministry; access to the wide range of diocesan support services e.g. stewardship, buildings, children’s ministry, communications, the worldwide church, schools and wider education. 

How much each parish contributes is based on the socio-economic category of the parish, determined by the parish itself from information gathered each year by way of the Income Survey. Payment of the parish share is our priority but it is a challenge. We are committed to finding £40,000+ per annum, on top of our day to day running costs.